Maritime Spatial Planning and Seafood Production
The national Maritime spatial planning and Seafood production workshop was held at the Forum Marinum in Turku on 23 August 2022. Experts and developers in the areas of maritime spatial planning, fishing, fish farming, and aquaculture attended the workshop.
This was the very first themed meeting in the second round of maritime spatial planning. The aim of the workshop was to identify and promote the ways in which maritime spatial planning can support sustainable seafood production. The summary of the workshop is provided in Finnish and Swedish.
A video of the workshop was prepared, the subtitles EN, SV and FI can be turned on from the Settings menu. Click the image:
The presentations are available:
Merellisen ruoantuotannon strategiset tavoitteet, Orian Bondestam maa- ja metsätalousministeriö
Merellinen ruoantuotanto merialuesuunnittelussa ja -suunnitelmassa, Olli Rönkä, Timo Juvonen ja Kaarina Rautio
Kalankasvatuksen kehitysnäkymistä ja Kalankasvatuksen yrittäjänäkökulmia, Sami Suominen ja Irja Skytén-Suominen, Lännenpuolen Lohi Oy
Merilevän hyödyntämisen ja kasvattamisen haasteet ja innovaatiot Suomessa, Heikki Heiskanen, Origin by Ocean Oy
Nordic perspectives on the development of macroalgal aquaculture, Kristian Spilling, SYKE
Merilevän ja kalankasvatuksen yhdistämismahdollisuudet? Kirsi Kostamo, SYKE
The workshop is eMSP NBSR project activity. The project brings together maritime spatial planning authorities and other experts in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea with the aim of a cross-border and cross-sectoral dialogue. Website of the Sustainable Blue Economy work package: