The future of Finnish marine areas is planned together

The second round of maritime spatial planning in Finland is currently ongoing. The revision work takes place between 2024-2027. Welcome to learn more about the maritime spatial planning process and how to get involved in it.

Maritime Spatial Plan 2030 for Finland covers all of Finland’s territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone. The planning work is carried out in three planning areas in close cooperation between the coastal regional councils.

Maritime Spatial Plan 2030

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Explore the Maritime Spatial Planning Interaction Plan 2024–2027



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Three planning areas –
One integrated Maritime Spatial Plan

The Maritime Spatial Plan covers areas from the coastline to the outer limit of the EEZ. The planning is carried out in close collaboration between the coastal regional councils. Åland is responsible for the preparation of a Marine Spatial Plan for its own marine areas.

Maritime spatial planning considers eleven marine themes

Read more about the Finnish Coastal Strategy

The Finnish Coastal Strategy prepared by the Ministry of the Environment supports and further develops the Finnish Maritime Spatial Plan 2030’s visions and measures for the coast. The Coastal Strategy is guided by the UN and EU Sustainable Development Goals and Biodiversity Strategies, the Baltic Sea Strategy, the National Spatial Development Goals and, among others, the Finnish Energy and Climate Strategy.

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