Maritime Spatial Planning and Migratory Fish Workshop in Kemi on October 9, 2024. Register now!

The Coordination of Maritime Spatial Planning Cooperation, as part of the Interreg Baltic Sea2land project, is organizing a workshop on maritime spatial planning and migratory fish.

The goal of the MSP and Migratory Fish Workshop is to enhance the consideration of migratory fish in MSP. The development of offshore wind power in the Gulf of Bothnia may impact migratory fish and thus have significant regional economic effects in the Tornio River area in both Finland and Sweden. It is necessary to take a closer look at how migratory fish are considered in MSP in Finland and Sweden and how they can be better taken into account to ensure a sustainable future for the fish and the associated industries.

The target groups for the workshop are Finnish and Swedish MSP planners, regional planners, researchers, and authorities working with migratory fish issues. The workshop will be organized in English.

Time: Wed, October 9, 2024, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Place: Safaris Conference Room, Lumilinnankatu 15, Kemi

Register for the event via this link.

Please note that the Finnish-Swedish Transboundary River Commission is organizing a Migratory Fish and Offshore Wind Power Seminar in Kemi on October 8-9, which serves as an excellent prelude to the MSP and Migratory Fish workshop. Register here.